Contact Us
Fill out the form below to contact Resurrection Life Church.
Resurrection Life Church
628 Floyd Avenue
Rome NY 13440
(315) 339-6318
Service Schedule:
In Person
Main Service: Sunday 10:00 am
Quest: Sunday 10:00 am
Children: Sunday 10:00 am
Live stream
10:00 am on our FaceBook Page
YouTube Channel Updates
Main Service - RLC YouTube Channel: Monday at 10:30 am
Quest - Quest YouTube Channel: Tuesday at 9:00 am
Information Locations
Twitter: @RezLife_Rome
Facebook: ResurrectionLifeChurchRome
Instagram: RezLifeNY
YouTube: Resurrection Life Church Rome
TV: WKTV & Spectrum News
Wednesdays (seasonally)
Mid-week Service takes place in LIFE Care Groups where discussion of the Sunday message, fellowship and prayer take place. Please see the monthly calendar under “EVENTS” on this website, or in the RLC Church App, for details on location and contact information.